
.NET scheduled tasks and services monitoring


Your services will love heartbeats

Monitoring services requires more than simple error logging. We have all implemented a scheduled task to run every night only to hear someone at the standup: "The nightly batch job hasn't run the last 2 weeks" 😱 Monitoring if a service ran successfully is as important as monitoring if it fails.

With Heartbeats configured on all of your services, elmah.io will automatically keep track of your services and scheduled tasks. When a program doesn't publish a heartbeat in time, you will receive a notification. Reacting on missing heartbeats should be an essential part of your monitoring process.

Drag the sliders below to see how Heartbeats work:

This heartbeat will expect a heartbeat request from your service/application every . If more than pass since the last heartbeat, an error will be created in your log.

Supported by common frameworks

One of many strengths of elmah.io is the deep integration into commonly used logging and web frameworks. Where other solutions provide a .NET client and let you implement each integration, we want the installation to require nothing more than installing a NuGet package and adding a bit of configuration.

Heartbeats is no different. We support a range of choices when needing to integrate Heartbeats into your pipeline. With the integration for ASP.NET Core Health Checks, monitoring the results of your health checks requires nothing more than a single line of code. Using the integration with Azure Functions, monitoring your time-based (or any type of) functions is available by including an attribute.

Best in class monitoring

Heartbeat monitoring for tasks and services
Are your current jobs unhealthy or disabled?

Native Support

Native support for ASP.NET Core,
Azure Functions, Hangfire, and more

Instant Notifications

Notifications through email, Slack, etc.
Existing notification rules just work


Log heartbeats from everywhere
Supported by the API and the .NET client

Notifications just work

You already spend time configuring your teams, their users, and individual log access. By leveraging elmah.io's existing notification system, all of your notification rules work great with Heartbeats too.

From email to Slack and Microsoft Teams we have got you covered. Make sure to receive a notification on one or more channels of choices to react on errors or misconfigured scheduled tasks. With elmah.io Heartbeats it's easy!